Sharing the heart of our heavenly Father with you...

What you want to know about us begins with this video.
This video, produced by Andrew Wommack Ministries, of our healing journey will introduce to you the heart of the Father that we experienced through receiving the truths in His word that we were never  taught in all our years of church attendance.
Our Father has called us to share those truths of freedom and life to all that will hear. This website is just one of those voices to connect your heart to the same truths that have brought wholeness to us.
We believe that our heavenly Father has a life of  freedom and wholeness for you, both spiritually and physically.
We pray that the truths that you receive through this ministry will bless you with revelation of the unconditional love of our God and Father.

God bless you,

Mike and Caroline

Sharing the heart of our heavenly Father with you...

What you want to know about us begins with this video.
This video, produced by Andrew Wommack Ministries, of our healing journey will introduce to you the heart of the Father that we experienced through receiving the truths in His word that we were never  taught in all our years of church attendance.
Our Father has called us to share those truths of freedom and life to all that will hear. This website is just one of those voices to connect your heart to the same truths that have brought wholeness to us.
We believe that our heavenly Father has a life of  freedom and wholeness for you both spiritually and physically.
We pray that the truths that you receive through this ministry will bless you with revelation of the unconditional love of our God and Father.

God bless you,

Mike and Caroline