mike hoesch ministries, inc.
PO Box 51006,
Colorado Springs, CO 80949-1006

Please Join Us for
Fellowship in Truth
February 7 @ 7pm MT
River Rock Church
4135 Centennial Blvd.
(North Door Entrance)
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Click here To Join the Meeting on Zoom

Link will be active the day of the meeting

Click one of the links below to watch

 YouTube Truthstream Link
FaceBook Truthstream Link

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Thank you for visiting this website.​​

We encourage you to continue to watch, listen to and read all of the teachings on this website. This website was dedicated to connecting the dots of truth in our Father’s word to answer questions that arise in our hearts when we are challenged.  If you have not found the answer to your question in these teachings on this website please submit that question in the message section below. Mike will dedicate a future class or teaching article to address that question. We pray that God would continue to lead and guide you to truth and victory.
***We pray for all prayer requests and may or may not reply, as the spirit leads. Mike receives numerous emails daily and although he would like to, he is not able to personally reply to each one.
Please check your spam or junk folder so you don’t miss the reply***

We would love to hear your testimony of how God has moved through these truths that you have received to manifest freedom, deliverance, healing and wholeness into your life. Send your testimony to info@mikehoeschministries.com

 Form 1; (Only) For those of you wanting to request a speaking engagement for your group, organization, fellowship or church please complete all the sections in the Form 1 below, so that we may respond as soon as possible.  Blessings!

Form 1. Request a Speaking Engagement (see note above)

***We reply to all emails received through this form. If you have not received a reply within 3-6 weeks please check your junk/spam folder.***

Our prayer for you is...

“that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” 

Philemon 1:6